PART VIII 1981-1985 United States of America

1981 Osho visits New Jersey and the Commune in Oregon

Osho enjoys Driving again

Dental Sessions and three new books

Osho’s personal daily life

1982 Osho gives darshan on the four Celebration Days

Osho is interviewed by INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service)


1984 Osho advises AIDS precautions

Osho declares twenty-one people enlightened

Armed Guards

Osho's deposition for a local court case

Osho gives Discourses again after three years’ silence

How Osho speaks:

Topics on which Osho speaks

Osho invites scientists to set up a World Academy

Osho gives his definition of a rebel

Osho gives daily Press Interviews

Osho’s interaction with reporters

Osho's Personal Life

Osho’s Rolls Royces

About the Communes around the world

Conspiracy to destroy Rajneeshpuram

Security at the ranch increases

International reaction to Osho and the Communes

Osho’s secretary, Sheela leaves, and information about crimes

Further information about crimes

Osho exposes travesty of FBI and police agencies’ investigation

Reaction in the Commune and the end of Rajneeshism, orange and malas

Government and State conspiracies escalate

Osho gives Guidelines for sannyasins

Osho is kidnapped, tortured and ransomed by the US Government

First Bail Hearing

Osho is transported to Oklahoma Country Jail

Help from the media

Osho tortured, his experiences in jails

Osho is transported to Portland via six airports

Bail Hearing in Portland and bomb threat

Portland court, Alford Plea. Ransom and order to leave the USA



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