
Meanwhile, Sheela announces the religion of Rajneeshism and publishes the book 'Rajneeshism', a compilation from Osho's earlier discourses. An Academy of Rajneeshism established as an ecclesiastical organization.

When I was talking to the INS, I insisted that I would like to call my philosophy a religiousness, but they said, "That is difficult because we don't have any category for religiousness. You can apply only under the category religion. We don't have any category for religiousness."

I explained to them that there is a difference. A religion is a fixed dogma, a fixed belief system. A religiousness is just a quality like love. It is not an organized thing. It has no priests, no priestesses. It is rebellion against all that destroys human reason.

But they said, "We cannot accept the application unless You use the word religion."

It was just because of them. I said, "Okay. I will use the word religion just to fulfill to your stupid categories." That's why I used that word.

But in these three and half years silence, Sheela managed to create it in a more organized fashion: a religion, a hierarchy. last308

In a rare TV interview, while he is in silence, Osho is asked: What is your vision for the future of Rajneeshism?

Rajneeshism is not a religion like Christianity, Hinduism, Mohammedanism, Buddhism, etc. The name should not be misunderstood. It simply shows a poverty of language--to be exactly true, Rajneeshism is a religionless religion.

In other words it is a kind of religiousness, not a dogma, cult or creed but only a quality of love, silence, meditation and prayerfulness. Hence it can never end.

It is not beginning with me. It has always existed and it will always exist. It is the very essence of human evolution, of culture consciousness.

Buddha, Jesus or Krishna are nothing but expressions of this spirit, but it was not possible in those days for religion to be manifested as well as it can be now. Because Jesus did not know about Buddha, Buddha did not know about Lao Tzu, and Krishna was also unaware of Lao Tzu, etc.

I have traveled all the paths and have looked at the truth from all the windows. What I am saying is going to last forever because nothing more could be added to it.

Buddha was not so sure of his religion. He said that his religion would last for 5,000 years, and that too only if he didn't allow women to join his commune. And when women entered his commune he said, "Now the religion will only last 500 years".

All of these people have talked about some aspect for truth and their disciples have understood it as the whole truth. I am talking about the whole truth so the future of my religion is infinite. All other religions will disappear into it as all the rivers disappear into the ocean. silent03


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