The Combined Historical Scenario for War in the Pacific

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Some of the people who have made contributions to the scenario are listed here, in no particular order. Not everyone has been listed - if there are any errors or omissions it is entirely my fault. There have also been indirect contributions from others, not listed here, via my own scenarios, from which some data has been transferred into CHS. In addition, there have been a lot of comments and suggestions provided by players and interested parties that have also been very helpful - it is not practical to list all of these contributors here.- Andrew Brown

Don Bowen: First CHS co-ordinator. Did most of the Naval OOB plus major revisions of various allied land and air OOBs.
Forest Webb - "treespider": Second CHS coordinator. Did a major revision of Chinese land OOB and bases, and contributed to the huge revision of US ship arrivals and locations for version 1.06. Also doing further work on Chinese and Soviet OOBs.
Mike - "Lemurs!": Did all aircraft and the Japanese land and air OOBs, plus ordnance values for all devices.
Andrew Brown: Supplied the map. Revised Allied CD OOB. Assisted with the Australian land OOB. Did many base resource/oil/port/airfield revisions. Looks after the CHS documentation.
Joe Wilkerson - "jwilkerson": Worked primarily on land OOBs and Resource/Oil settings. Conducted major revision of Japanese land OOB for CHS 2.0.
Justin - "Tankerace": Contributed a lot of ship art until he went full-time into WPO work.
"Platoonist": Did a major review of ship art and the "standardization" of art from several contributors.
Ron Saueracker: Did ASW tweaks and generally kept things stirred up.
Andrey - "Subchaser": Contributed aircraft side art, and data on the Soviet Pacific fleet.
Ian - "TheElf": Contributed all aircraft top art and some side art. Also contributed aircraft data research.
Peter Hamilton - "CobraAus": Contributed alternate art.
Phil Bass: Made major contributions for British forces.
Jo Van Der Pluym: Contributed notes on Dutch forces.
Richard - "AlaskanWarrior": Did comprehensive research into the arrival dates and location of US warships and transport ships, as well as US land OOBs and TO&Es.
Joel Szabat - "Blackhorse": Made a number of OOB contributions, including for the US Army and USAAF, and the Indian National Army.
Sid Trevethans
Made contributions to Japanese naval units and land OOB. Made so many suggestions that he eventually created his own scenario (RHS).
Made large contributions to reviews of the Japanese land OOB/TOE, Soviet land OOB/TOE and British land AA OOB/TOE.
Contributed Allied AK/AP art.
Brian - "Big B": Contributed some Allied ship art.
Thomas Elliot -"timtom"
Lots of research on OOBs and TO&Es for RAF and USAAF squadrons.
Research on the P-47 and P-38 aircraft

Byron Starr - "BStarr", "Bradley7735", "jcjordan", "Ironduke" and many, many others contributed useful corrections and suggestions.

Special thanks to Paul Yarnall ("pry") and Sid Trevethans for comments, suggestions, and happily accepting occasional theft of ideas from their own scenarios.

Extra special thanks to "Spooky", "rogueUSMC" and "AlaskanWarrior" for hosting the CHS files on their websites.

Moose trained to mix concrete and sign complicated insurance forms by Jurgan Wigg.

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