The Mime

Name: Ilsa von Ostburg-Jorgensen-Carlstein
Age: 25 Occupation: Destro's assistant / studio technician / occasional co-host

The seventh daughter of a seventh daughter - Ilsa always had a strange power over her surroundings, dating back to her first years in Castle Ostburg. When she cried storms would wrack the countryside, whilst sunshine ruled when she smiled. Old women in the village muttered dark prophecies about Ilsa becoming a force of great evil in the world, but her family would have non of it, cherishing their youngest child. One dark winters eve a man appeared in the castle - clad in an ancient iron mask he revealed himself as a distant relative from a Scottish clan, James McCullen Destro. He knew of many occult things, and spoke of his own ancestors keeping hidden things beneath their manors. He had travelled to see the child whispered of in dark, forgotten places. He knew of her birth and lineage, and all it fortold - dispair and suffering for good people everywhere if not kept in check now. Ilsa's parents were not convinced of any hidden power in their daughter, sending Destro on his way. His parting words were as chilling as the night air:

"My assumptions may prove false, but if I am vindicated remember these words; the power within that child must be controlled now, or it will unleash itself upon the world in a most fearsome and terrible form. Should that day come I will send for the girl, no matter where I reside, and take her in and keep watch over her."

Ans with that he departed into the night.

That meeting was not thought of until 20 years later, when Ilsa announced to her family she was dropping out of engineering college. They stared agape, frozen in horror as she revealed her plan, Destro's words in their ears, seeing he was right - she was to become the scourge of mankind and all that is right with the world.

She wanted to be a mime.


Fun Facts:

* She was born in Austria and is royalty of some sort.

* Known duties at the station include: Filing and reports of some sort, standing around near Destro to make him look important, filling in as the authority figure while he's gone and co-hosting with Brawler.

* Friends with Freddo.

* Distant relative of Destro and Lady Jaye.

* She may be immortal, or just full of herself.

* Evil powers include: shooting fire from her hands, levitating at will, summoning giant flaming pentagrams and speaking in blasted glyphs


